Data Volume

L500-4320-A/B runs

These are pure DM-only simulations carried out with GADGET-4.

  • Full particle dumps for redshifts: About 2.8 TB per dump, yielding 28 TB for the 10 full dumps.

  • Group catalogues: Summed over the output dumps, we have ~2.0 x 10^10 subhalos and ~1.7 x 10^10 FOF halos, consuming 2.3 TB storage.

  • Progenitor and descendant information linking subhalos in time amounts to 1.1 TB.

  • Merger trees weigh in with 2.8 TB, and contain about 145.5 x 10^6 trees.

  • All snapshots with the previously most-bound particles make up in total 3.7 TB. The fraction of particles with this property grows monotonously in time, and reaches ~3.2 x 10^9 (4.0% of the total particle number) by z=0.

  • The lightcones contain a very significant amount of data, summing up to 392 TB in total.

    Cone Number Lightcone Type Redshift Range Distance Particle Number Storage
    Cone 0 full sky z = 0 - 0.4 ~1090 Mpc/h 3.43 x 10^12 64.6 TB
    Cone 1 one octant z = 0 - 1.5 ~3050 Mpc/h 9.44 x 10^12 177.7 TB
    Cone 2 pencil beam, 10 deg^2 z = 0 - 5.0 ~5390 Mpc/h 1.02 x 10^12 19.2 TB
    Cone 3 disk, 15.0 Mpc/h thick z = 0 - 2.0 ~3600 Mpc/h 3.94 x 10^11 7.41 TB
    Cone 4 full sky, most-bound only z = 0 - 5.0 ~5390 Mpc/h 6.54 x 10^12 123.1 TB
  • The weak-lensing mass maps amount to 1.2 TB and use Nside = 12288.

Each of the two 4320^3 runs has hence created around 430 TB, with the full particle octant to z=1.5 and the full sky most-bound lightcone contributing 70% of this storage.